Monday, July 24, 2006

That's it. I'm putting my bra in the freezer.

Bloody hell it’s hot.

I mean, it’s Portland. It’s not supposed to be 104 degrees. I like my summers to consist of low-80s temps with upper 50s as a low at night to cool things off.

Right now at 1 pm it’s already 91 degrees. That’s disgusting.

When the Pacific Northwest gets smog advisories, you know there’s a problem.

Having said that, it was an interesting weekend. I had to dog/house sit on Friday night, and my friends’ house was boiling. Poor pup was just gulping water, and I shamefully ate a pint of ice cream to cool down. Shut up. I went hiking on Sunday so they cancel each other out.

Saturday morning I left for the coast (ahhhh, cool air) to visit the fam. My aunt and uncle from Michigan are visiting, so we had some quality family time. We went to the Summer Festival in Toledo (redneckiest kinda town you can find, man) on Saturday night to watch their fireworks display. And I’m telling ya—not counting Disneyland, that was the best damn fireworks show I have ever seen. Ever. It was bitchin. The whole damn show was like a grand finale. Beautiful!

Because my aunt and uncle were sleeping in the guestroom, my sis and I got stuck crashing in our parents’ camping trailer thing. It was actually quite comfortable out there, though. And nice and cooooool. But in the middle of the night, something woke me up—the trailer was shaking and some animal was clearly circling us with great interest. It was going around and around the trailer pretty quickly making this hernk hernk hernk noise. It was very bizarre if not slightly unsettling, but it finally decided to go away.

I’m still not quite sure what it was. My step-dad said it was probably a raccoon, but I’m not sure what world he’s living in where raccoons are big enough to rattle a trailer and go “hernk hernk hernk.” My mom said it could have been a bear because they come up out of the gulley once in a while, but my bet’s on some neighbor’s dog. But who really knows.

Maybe it was Bigfoot. He knew there were some hotties in there and he was lookin for a party.

Inexplicably, the fam felt the need to drive back into the Willamette valley on Sunday to go hiking at Silver Falls. And I love Silver Falls, but why why why would you want to leave the beautiful coastal breeze and head back into the depths of hell?? It was unpleasant. And there’s not much for swimming in them thar parts. I mean, they’re waterfalls. You can’t exactly take a dip in raging waters.

I haven’t taken a hot shower in like a week. And while cold showers are very refreshing in oppressive heat, they’re murder on my hair.

Or maybe that’s the smog.


Luz said...

Oy, Caprichosa I feel your pain! Heat and more heat! It's dreadfull all the way around and we've still got August to get through! :-( Still, I think you'll get to feel more of a reprieve than we will down here in Houston and now comes word that there is a tropical depression brewing in the Gulf! Too early to tell what will happeng but one thing is for sure--RAIN and lots of it!
As for the Hernk! Sounds like Bigfoot to me! Reminds me of one time when I went camping and heard one of the strangest noised I've ever heard in my life! I ran into that tent so fast and crawled underneath the covers! Made my hair stand up! Yes, I'm a big fat scaredy cat! YOu're certainly braver than me!

AnonymousBlogger said...

Poor pup was just gulping water, and I shamefully ate a pint of ice cream to cool down. Shut up. I went hiking on Sunday so they cancel each other out.

I lol'd at the first line, but kept quiet after reading the last.

It's been hot here too. Just crazy. I hear all of North America is bloody hot.

Could have been Bigfoot circling the trailer. Maybe a wild bore or something? Maybe I've watched too much LOST.

Cristina said...

Heat - we know what that is over here, and I can only sympathise. Bear it as best you can. At least you know it's just a freak of nature over there - here we know for a fact that this will stay with us until well into Spetember...

Adam Solomon said...

I just noticed this post. I like the title :)