Thursday, June 29, 2006

Another breakthrough in my computer illiteracy problem...

Look what I did!

Here comes ze bride...

I have a horrible “tan” line on my forearm. Methinks I’m going to have to fix that tonight. I say “tan” because it’s not a real tan. It came from a can. Usually I don’t care if I have fair skin, but since I’m wearing a lime green dress this weekend, I figured it might look a teensy bit better if I had a lovely golden glow.

And for the most part, it actually does look fairly lovely. Except this funky monkey streak on my arm. But that is why I did it on Wednesday night so I could fix it by Saturday. See? I’m smart sometimes.

Bridezilla tried to get me to just go tanning in those evil tanning beds, but I refuse.

I have zero intention of dying of skin cancer, thankyouverymuch. My two best friends, however, may not live to be 50. They are tanning bed queens. I was even giving them a lecture the other day and Bridezilla said, “I don’t want to be pasty white for my wedding!” and I retorted “Do you want to die when you’re 35???” And she responded “At least I’ll die married!

Good lord this chica needs a reality check.

Last night I had some good times with some old friends from college that I haven’t seen in a couple of years. They’re pretty much the same—pot-smoking alcoholics—but you know, sometimes those people can be fun. The guy I used to like was there (not one of the pot-smoking alcoholics) and trying (unsuccessfully) to flirt with me, and I was like HA! You missed this boat, bubba!! [Did I just call myself a boat?]

They are having a block party on the fourth, though, so methinks I’ll just have to deal with being hungover at work on the 5th. Personally, I think it’s a travesty that I have to work on the 5th. Fireworks don’t even start until 10. My bedtime is 10! But we’re going to go anyway I think. I mean, it’s a block party. They even got permits to close down the street and block it off.

Anyway, I should probably get some, I dunno, work done. So it will be a few days before I post again since I’m leaving for the coast tonight to head down for the festivus.

I promise I’ll try not to laugh during the ceremony.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's alive!!!

Let’s get the update rolling, shall we?

I pledge to make a solid attempt at re-entering the blog world.

I think the fiasco of my blog getting “hijacked” was a stern lecture from the Blog Gods that “thou shalt not go on hiatus.”

Although I’m surprised to see that the cell-phone licking girl that originally appeared at the original Caprichosa when it was hijacked is no longer there. Now it’s a “blog” with either Chinese or Japanese characters on it. And whoever that person is has a shit load of blogs. I mean, come on. They didn't even do anything cool with my blog.

Methinks I will not be getting Caprichosa back.


So. I have put my Amigos back up. I couldn’t remember what I had named them before, so I came up with some new ones. If you don’t like your link name, let me know and I will change it to whatever your darling heart desires. Really.

The wedding (to which I can unfortunately no longer link) is on Saturday. And although I don’t completely approve of this marriage, I am, in some sort of sadistic way, starting to get excited about it. I’m not really sure why. Which reminds me I need to call my date and make sure he’s still going. I should probably write that on my hand.

The dress fits. In a rather ironic twist, the bust was actually a little too big and had to be taken in. If you don’t remember why this is ironic, I’m sorry. I’m not going to go there again.

While the dress isn’t very well-made, it looks like it will stay in one piece for at least one evening. And if I jump up and down to the song “Shout” nothing should come flying out.

As for my dentist woes, they’re still going. Let’s please remember that this all started on December 30th. Yes, DECEMBER. As in SIX MONTHS ago. I finally had to go see a specialist because my dumbass dentist poked a hole through my canal into my gums. That’s why they couldn’t get it to stop bleeding. Go figure.

But the specialist was able to repair the hole and fill in the canals (after NINE visits). Then I went back to my dentist yesterday for the permanent filling and to fit me for a crown. I have a temporary crown on now. For those of you who have never had a crown, it is a hellacious procedure! Good lord! I thought it would be all downhill from here, but they torture the shit out of your gums. First they drill all around it so then it starts gushing blood and then they need it to stop bleeding so they put this horrible stinging astringent gel stuff on there. Then they take 407 molds so they can create the temporary crown and then 98 more for the permanent one, which doesn’t feel too good after your gums have been tortured. (OK, it was only 6 molds, but that’s still a lot!)

Then they put this cement stuff inside the permanent cap and then shove it down on your tooth so it fits right. This, of course, means that the extra cement stuff starts squirting out and then they have to drill that off.

It was unpleasant.

I don’t even want to think about how they get the temporary one back off. *shudders*

Sunday, June 18, 2006

What the hell? I have zero idea what happened to my blog.

Apparently, it was eaten by the Internet. No joke.

Adam was lovely enough to send me an email warning, and sho 'nough when I went to, there was nothing there but some girl licking a cell phone!!

I signed into blogger, and there is no trace of my old Caprichosa. Seriously.

I'm going to email the blogger kids, but at this point, I have no idea what's going on. It's like it was deleted, and I didn't delete it. But it wouldn't let me use my old URL, so I had to change it a little and put a hyphen in there.

It's a mystery!! :(

So Adam is my hero and found out that the old Caprichosa has probably been hijacked, although I have no idea why anyone would want to hijack it, really.
I sent Blogger a message letting them know, but I got a canned message back with them pretty much telling me it's gone and they probably won't respond to my message anyway, since they get so many.

So I guess here it is: Caprichosa, Part Deux.