Friday, July 14, 2006

Oh crap...

She made a headline on I swear not all Oregonians are this stupid.

And she's from A-LOW-AH, not Alo-HA.

EDIT 7/17: Now it's really getting ridiculous.


AnonymousBlogger said...

Dumb. That's all there is to it. And desperate. But more dumb than anything. I hope they fine her ass for wasting time and resources.

bella said...

Oh that's sad and so stupid!

Tristan Pipo said...

Wasn't Oregon also the place where the mayor broke the starbucks coffee mug? Or was that in Vancouver?

I sometimes wonder about Oregon everytime I drive through the Streets or Portland. Even with Google Maps, Cell Phone, GPS I can tend to get lost. But that is usually when people have me follow their directions and I end up on a dead end one way road or something.

Well at least we have you Junniper to prove us all wrong =)

Cristina said...

That's silly.

AnonymousBlogger said...

I'll hand it to you. You Americans are a creative bunch.

AnonymousBlogger said...

I think it's time for an update.