Monday, July 10, 2006

I have a desk drawer full of paper clips...

I can't believe this guy actually did it. He actually traded a red paper clip for a freakin house.

I have a yellow highlighter... let's start the bidding. ;)


AnonymousBlogger said...

I was just reading that story in the paper about 30 seconds ago.

Not sure I'd move from BC to Sask, but hey, it's a free house.

Good for him. I'm sure his book will sell well too. With all the publicity.

Tristan Pipo said...

Last I heard he was still on the record deal. Good Times.

Just Me said...

only in Canada...

Cristina said...

Odd :S

bella said...

Um... just the other day I threw out a pink one because I don't like the colored paperclips (at least not for work and I don't know why) - STUPID ME!