Friday, July 21, 2006

Everybody's workin' for the weekend

OK, I know it's been a week since I posted, but our network at work was down (AGAIN!!) and I got the freakin flu (AGAIN!!).

I don't know what is up with my immune system this past year. I get my exercise, I take my vitamins, I'm a big fan of sleep. So who knows?! Although I did clean my desk today and discovered many a dustbunny, and I'm starting to think it might be my job making me sick. It's a dinosaur building with at least 431 kind of mold and mildew. Not to mention the asbestos above my head. And the raging dust all over the place. And the ancient carpet.

Hmmm...maybe I should up my vitamin intake.

ANYWAY! I'll be back to posting on Monday I hope! Have a fabulous weekend!!!

And I leave you with this*, from my favorite comic strip, Non Sequitur:

* If that's too small to read, the skeleton dude's sign says "Stay the Course."

AND! Because I realized I haven't posted about my silly shoe fetish lately, I have decided I need to buy some new shoes for the fall...

(The burgundy/brown ones--2nd from the bottom)

(The black ones--on the top)

My name is Jenniper, and I'm a shoe-aholic. Or at least I wish I was. If I had some $! :)


AnonymousBlogger said...

I just...I don't get the shoe addiction women have. My mom has so many damn pairs of shoes, and only wears a few of them. It doesn't make sense.

Hold off on the vitamins.

asbestos+sick=big lawsuit=big payout.

Tristan Pipo said...

Yes shoes I have never had much of an understanding for. I went to go buy a pair of shoes last weekend.

I walk into the store and some perky young lady asks if she can help me. I ask for a pair of size 16's or perhaps a 15 wide. The desire for her to help me dropped as I was shown 3 pairs of shoes. Got a nice pair of dockers. They are rather comfy.

Network going down eh. I wonder what type of network it is. Perhaps you should have your school buy a few of our products to make the problem go away.

Have a great weekend. You should get an Ozone machine they will clean up the air you breath and just make you feel better overall.

My friend Nick let me borrow his works wonders. Though it might be all in my head bullshit I never know anymore.

Cristina said...

Have a great weekend! I hope you kick all those viruses out! I used to work in one such building and the atmosphere was so stuffy that I could feel my brain slowing down as the day progressed. Awful!

Nice shoes!!

Borya said...

If it's a true stylish fetish, it would be a pleasure to accompany you.