Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's alive!!!

Let’s get the update rolling, shall we?

I pledge to make a solid attempt at re-entering the blog world.

I think the fiasco of my blog getting “hijacked” was a stern lecture from the Blog Gods that “thou shalt not go on hiatus.”

Although I’m surprised to see that the cell-phone licking girl that originally appeared at the original Caprichosa when it was hijacked is no longer there. Now it’s a “blog” with either Chinese or Japanese characters on it. And whoever that person is has a shit load of blogs. I mean, come on. They didn't even do anything cool with my blog.

Methinks I will not be getting Caprichosa back.


So. I have put my Amigos back up. I couldn’t remember what I had named them before, so I came up with some new ones. If you don’t like your link name, let me know and I will change it to whatever your darling heart desires. Really.

The wedding (to which I can unfortunately no longer link) is on Saturday. And although I don’t completely approve of this marriage, I am, in some sort of sadistic way, starting to get excited about it. I’m not really sure why. Which reminds me I need to call my date and make sure he’s still going. I should probably write that on my hand.

The dress fits. In a rather ironic twist, the bust was actually a little too big and had to be taken in. If you don’t remember why this is ironic, I’m sorry. I’m not going to go there again.

While the dress isn’t very well-made, it looks like it will stay in one piece for at least one evening. And if I jump up and down to the song “Shout” nothing should come flying out.

As for my dentist woes, they’re still going. Let’s please remember that this all started on December 30th. Yes, DECEMBER. As in SIX MONTHS ago. I finally had to go see a specialist because my dumbass dentist poked a hole through my canal into my gums. That’s why they couldn’t get it to stop bleeding. Go figure.

But the specialist was able to repair the hole and fill in the canals (after NINE visits). Then I went back to my dentist yesterday for the permanent filling and to fit me for a crown. I have a temporary crown on now. For those of you who have never had a crown, it is a hellacious procedure! Good lord! I thought it would be all downhill from here, but they torture the shit out of your gums. First they drill all around it so then it starts gushing blood and then they need it to stop bleeding so they put this horrible stinging astringent gel stuff on there. Then they take 407 molds so they can create the temporary crown and then 98 more for the permanent one, which doesn’t feel too good after your gums have been tortured. (OK, it was only 6 molds, but that’s still a lot!)

Then they put this cement stuff inside the permanent cap and then shove it down on your tooth so it fits right. This, of course, means that the extra cement stuff starts squirting out and then they have to drill that off.

It was unpleasant.

I don’t even want to think about how they get the temporary one back off. *shudders*


Tristan Pipo said...

Ahh Good to have some linkage again! =)

If I recall I was "Pipo's Page" Though I prefer the new Tristan - SGBB =)

Well glad your dentist pain is over. If you would prefer your link changed on my blog not hard to get a hold of me miss Jenniper.

I will do some digging on mr asian blog. Sounds like a spammer who just got your password. Pick a harder password next time is the best advice.

We should setup a meeting summer is here. I have a steady schedule with weekends off.

Anyways Welcome Back to Blogging. I was on Hiatus myself for a while. But I think I like the change on my blog.

Junniper, MPA said...

I did change my password, so hopefully that will help.

I'm not too worried about getting my old blog back, so don't worry about checking out the Asian dude.

We'll see about meeting up sometime. Even though summer is here, things are actually getting busier for me. Not to mention I'll be job hunting and starting classes soon-- one of these days, though.

AnonymousBlogger said...

Well my goodness. What an ordeal.

The blog, the dentist, the wedding. It's all so much for me.

I agree that the Blog God's were pissed by your hiatus and sent a stern message. I hate to think what would happen if you tried it again in the future.

I will have to change the link on my blog to the new one. I'll do that now.

I can't believe you're back!!!!
It's so exciting.

AnonymousBlogger said...

A similar thing happened to The Corporal's blog too. But he created an new one, with a new address, and someone took his old one AFTER he created the new one. If that makes any sense.

Adam Solomon said...

Welllll we missed you.

And feel free to post pictures of the wedding. Especially if "Shout" comes on. Really, we don't mind.

Tristan Pipo said...

After doing some initial covert ops the blog title translates to.

"Old car assessment び"

Wait... Stop.. the Hunt... Hmmm well umm what to do now..

Free time.. What to do now...

Cristina said...

It's so great to read a post from you again! Too bad a bout the old blog, though. Such an odd thing.

I hope the wedding goes well after all. I bet you will have fuin in the end :D

Your dentist experience sounds awful - poor you :(