Wednesday, April 11, 2007

To the left, to the left...


I just felt it really necessary to type that.

Life has gotten away from me for a moment, but I’m getting back on track. I started classes last week, and this term is going to be an ass-kicker, I think.

My Tuesday class is good (Admin Ethics), but there’s a lot of writing involved. I have three 15-page papers to write for the class as well as a group project. That’s a lot for an 11-week term. Little did I know that it could get worse—my Thursday class (Admin Theory) has an 8-page paper, a 10-page paper, a group project, and get this: a 3-page reflection paper due EVERY WEEK. Like I have nothing better to do, people! Not only is there a lot of reading to get through, I have to “reflect” on it? What a bunch of hooey. It’s like she wants to make sure we do the readings, which is beyond stupid in my opinion. This is graduate school. We don’t need a babysitter to make sure we read. If we choose not to read that’s our own stupid fault.


THEN, my weekend course (the one I have one weekend a month) has its first class this Friday. This is Strategic Planning in the Public Sector, taught by Professor O’Toole. So imagine my surprise when a Professor Krause sends out an email regarding our first weekend class for Strategic Planning for Non-Profits. Whoa, what?? I’m on the public sector track, hence my decision to sign up for public sector strategic planning. Needless to say, I have a mini panic attack and email the administrative assistant to the program. She informs me that O’Toole is sick and can’t teach this term. So they merged the public sector class with the non-profit class, and didn’t bother to tell anyone! And seriously, not five minutes after I sounded the alarm, they sent an email out to the MPA listserv to let everyone else know about the change.

Clearly they are not on top of things. So I went to get the book for this Krause person, and things are not looking promising because the book is titled “Strategic Planning for Non-Profits.” Hmm.

In other news, I had to make some big summer plan decisions. Originally I was planning to visit my friend in Alaska & do that leadership conference I blogged about a while ago. The timing was pretty tight, so I planned to go to Alaska from June 13-18, and then do the conference from the 21-26. WELL. My professor has decided to hold class during finals week (which is a major no-no by the way), and has completely messed up my schedule. After much consideration, I have decided to forgo the conference this summer. I was getting stressed out figuring out my schedule because the only time I could go to Alaska is during June. Not to mention, the conference is $500 and I would have to use unpaid leave from work because I don’t have enough vacation time for both Alaska and the conference, so its affordability was stressing. So now I will be visiting Alaska from June 20-25. I’m feeling better already.


Ahhh. I needed to do that again. Sorry for the ultra-boring post, but I needed to vent for a moment.

Here’s a funny video to make it up to you:

Be sure to watch to the end—he starts to “drop it like it’s hot” and I about died.


Monkey said...

Holy Hurling Poop that's a lot of writing in 11 weeks. (Not to make you more stressed... but holy crap!)


Best Wishes and all that.

The boy is adorable. I love the kicking the chair away moves. Slick.

AnonymousBlogger said...

Hopefully you become efficient at writing those stupid reflection papers. How juvinile. Did I spell that right? I don't think so...

Too bad about the conference, but you still get to go to Alaska which is great.

Adam Solomon said...

No singing that. Bad Jenniper. Baaad Jenniper.

Cristina said...

Alaska! How exciting. It will be a hard-earned reward after all that writing.

madge said...

Cristina puts it best!

Good luck with all of your writing (but it's not so much luck as it is finding the time!). PSU's campus is prettiest spring just take a minute to enjoy that in the midst of all the hustle + bustle.