Monday, April 30, 2007


I have found a need to create a new "label" : WTF?

This label is being borne from this discovery.

Oh. My. God. Have people no shame or sense of decency?

LOOK at this dog:

Is that not the saddest Please-Save-Me-Sweet-Jesus look you have ever seen? Torture!

Also, I went and saw 300 this weekend, which usually isn't my kind of movie flavor, but this video pretty much sums up what I thought about it:

Who doesn't love a man in nothing but skivvies and a cape?


Tristan Pipo said...

300 Great Film.. I like the PG version a little better.

PG 300 Movie Trailer


What is wrong with society that dogs suffer from depression and get dragged everywhere. Dogs are Dogs! But people seem to forget where to draw the line.

Junniper, MPA said...

Hahaaha! That video is ridiculous.

In all seriousness, skivvies aside, it really was a good movie!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

HAHAHAHAAAAAAAA Mummy liked the video.

Nuthin wrong with going about in yer pants. See me at work here, dressed as a Spartan:

As for that dog, what the???

Cristina said...

Oh, that poor, poor dog.

AnonymousBlogger said...

The people who do that do their dogs, and there are a lot of them, are sick, sick individuals.

Who the hell spends money on that shit?

Also, 300 was pretty kick-ass. It is still even in the big theatres here in town.

Matt Black said...

Oh, I forgot to add that I don' a man in nothing but skivvies and a cape... Unless I'm watching myself in the mirror or something.

I've never really figured out what purpose the cape really serves, except to blow in the wind and make you look cool. I think it would drive me crazy, always getting in the way, stepping on it, other people stepping on it.

Of course on the bright side, I guess that way you never have to worry about having tissue or toilet paper.

Luz said...

I too have thought about the same kind of label of "WTF?" Yes, nothing wrong with a man tidy skivvies--cape or no cape!