Friday, April 27, 2007

Done with the April Showers


It’s 9:30am, and I have nothing to do. This is not a promising situation here.

A few updates:

1. I did get stuck in a group with the annoying kid from yesterday’s post. And listen to how it happened: He came in late, so I didn’t have to talk to him, so I thought I was free and clear. So class started, the professor started talking about groups and he says “we have a group formed—it’s me, Brit, and the three Jennifers.” So I didn’t even get a chance to escape! The man is crazy! At that point, I figured there wasn’t much I could do, so looks like I’ll have to suck it up.

2. Recycling Guy: Haven’t mentioned him in a while—but there’s not much to update on. It’s still the usual witty banter, but that’s about it. He did come in the nick of time to get a wasp out of my office last week, though. It was stuck in the one window in my office that doesn’t open, and I’m allergic to bees (or at least I used to be…I haven’t been stung in years), so I was standing outside my office contemplating what to do when he came by to get my recycling. So he trapped it in a cup for me and let it outside. There’s something sexy about a guy that takes care of bugs for a girl, what can I say? I guess even I need to be rescued once in a while.

3. I am going to go buy myself a new digital camera this weekend! Mine sucks balls and takes horrible pictures, so it’s time to upgrade. I’m going to the camera store so I can be sure to try them all out, but I’m leaning toward this one. I had originally wanted this one but the lovely Madge suggested a Coolpix, and after cruising some pictures taken with Coolpix cameras on Flickr, I think it’s the way to go. I'll still check out the Kodak one, though. In a stroke of luck, my dad had about 60 bucks worth of gift cards for Ritz Cameras from when he bought a new digital last year, so I’ll be able to use them! Shweeeeet.

On this beautiful Friday, I would like to give you some entertainment. Another one of those "Funny Cat Videos" that are beyond silly, but always manage to make me laugh anyway:



AnonymousBlogger said...

Well, the little douche in your class is definitely going to ask you out now. It's inevitable. But I have a plan. Don't worry.

This is what we have to do. We have to ask out Recycle Guy. Just a casual date. Then when douche-from-school asks you out, you can tell him you are "kind of seeing someone already". Whether that statement is 100% accurate is irrelevant.

The beauty of this plan is two-fold. Not only do you get rid of the douche, but you get to go out with Recycle Guy.

It's a win-win.

Junniper, MPA said...

Oh you are so brilliant.

However, I can still say "I'm seeing someone" and have it be 0% true. ;)

Junniper, MPA said...

I also have the excuse "I don't have time to date" which is sad, but true.

AnonymousBlogger said...

I don't know if it's sad. But going out with that douche would be sad for sure. So, either way, the douche isn't getting his date. And that is all that matters.