Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Nap time, I think.

All I can really say about this is …whoa. Now we’re locking people up because they're sick? I mean, I understand him needing to wear a mask in public, but come on. Locking a man up for the rest of his life? Puleeze. Anyone else thinking what I’m thinking?

I mean, obviously something should be done to prevent him from infecting others, but incarcerating him in a prison-like cell indefinitely is a serious human rights violation.


In other news, I start my new term today. Tonight I have Administrative Ethics & Values. I like my program, I like my classes, but I am very upset because it means I have to miss House for the term. It's times like this that I wish I weren't too cheap for Tivo.

I also had to haul my butt downtown yesterday to pick up my parking permit because they didn’t mail it to me this time. So I got to wait in line for 45 minutes. It was such fun! I did get a good phone call into my friend in Indiana, though. So I was one of those annoying girls in line on a cell phone, but I don’t really care.

I had an eye appointment this morning, and I decided to consider contact lenses. I’m not very good about wearing my glasses. It’s not a vanity thing—glasses actually make me look smart (see? I have them all fooled!!). But I almost feel like they hinder my view, and I can’t wear them when I’m talking to people because I feel like there’s something in the way, and I can’t look them in the eye. My eyesight isn’t terrible, but it’s enough of an issue that I need to be able to see distances—to drive, recognize faces, see the presentations in class. One eye is worse than the other so I find myself often closing my right eye so I can see far way. Hence the need for contacts.

I have a trial pair in right now, and so far so good. They’re comfortable, but taking them out and putting them in is harder than it looks. They’re soft lenses, so I can’t really tell when I’ve grabbed them! Time to practice, I guess!

Good news for the day—I have a 3-day weekend coming up. That’s the good part about working at a Catholic-run institution. Even if I am a little Pagan.


madge said...

Have fun with your new term!
Massive human rights violation - there has to be a better solution??

AnonymousBlogger said...

Contacts get easier trust me. The more you practice the better you will get obviously. But don't expect to be pro in a few days or even a week. It could take a little while.

But it's worth it once you get the hang of it. You'll be able to put them in and take them out with ease.

4 day weekend here. Sweet.

bella said...

It's been so difficult to leave a comment - but I'm trying again.

Good luck with the new term, although I totally can understand the added difficulty with having to miss House!

Monkey said...

Happy Easter and Three Day Weekend!

That story about the TB guy makes me so sad. Obviously so very wrong.

Answer me this... is House as good this year as it was the first two seasons? I watched a few this year and felt oddly detatched. It wasn't as funny, to me at least. Is it just me?

Enjoy the new semester and the fancy new contacts. I hear they do get easier.

Cristina said...

Hope you had a nice Easter!

I used to wear soft lenses but tafter 9 months they weren't right for me. I now wear hard contacts and despite what people say I find them more comfortable than soft ones. Good luck with the adaptation period - it's worth it.