Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My brush with fame

See, Tristan, I'm excited about it!

Apparently I made the front page of Digg with my stupid parking ticket story! I'm sure I'm not savvy enough to know how cool it really is, but I'm quite flattered that I'm on there.

I'm on the page for Offbeat News.

And you can see my entry here.

And even if they called me a dude (HELLO, it says Jennifer in the story), it's still pretty badass. :)


Tristan Pipo said...

I was surfing my normal reading and was checking out my RSS feed from Digg and I saw an article about Parking Ticket from Utah and was like wait a second clicked on it and it took me here.

Digg is a "news" site that is based upon the readers being the editor. You submit a link and the more people that digg the article the higher it gets raised until it makes the front page.

Then it gets hit with tons of hits usually crashing servers. So it's a good thing.

But anyways I'm Tristan Making people aware of things they should be aware of. =p


Junniper, MPA said...

That's wild. Very cool.

I don't know the person who submitted the story, though, so I'm surprised it made it on there!

Cristina said...

That's great!

At least you got something good out of that.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap, that was good readin'! Most of the comments were sympathetic but some were outrageous. Did you read the one by Capari? sheesh! :P

Junniper, MPA said...


I know, it was pretty cool!


Yeah I read that one. He's just upset because he has a small manhood. :) Or maybe he's the guy with the parking tickets!! haha!

Anonymous said...


And, yes, my kitten is named Jane! We have the same spider ring and the same cat name. This is Twilight Zone stuff.

AnonymousBlogger said...

Haha. Congrats. Hopefully the bad press will force them to take your name out of the database now.

You're famous now!

Anonymous said...

That is so great! And funny too. Did you see all the comments and conversation you generated? You're hot. Hot I tell you!

I don't know who submitted the story either, and Monkey's not talking.

Commenting for Monkey today,
Monkey's Human

Adam Solomon said...

Holy crap you're on DIGG!!

Adam Solomon said...

P.S. If you're curious who submitted it, look here:

Tristan Pipo said...

Good News Day for everyone. =p

Borya said...

I have no idea what Digg is but it was pretty fun reading through all this stuff...

Luz said...

Ditto on what Borya said!