Tuesday, December 12, 2006

There's the sugar!

OK, Beta seems to be behaving a little better. Maybe it was just the switch that made people anonymous, but those who were previously anonymous are no longer.

Happy Dance!

I have to admit, I had a fun time adding “Labels” to my posts (which didn’t take very long thanks to Mr. Hijacker). I had an even more fun time looking at what a write about the most.

At the moment I have 24 different labels—which seems like a lot, but hey, I talk a lot.

You’ll be surprised to know that post-hijacking, I’ve only talked about Shoes 3 times. That’s it! I’ve talked about Recycling Guy 4 times, so he trumps shoes.

I talk about Portland and Oregon a lot (10 total). Then I made a label entitled “Only Me” which refers to bizarre crap that happens to me (rats-in-toilets, parking tickets, etc.). Only Me appears 8 times.

The number one topic post-hijacking? Sinus Fiasco.

This makes me very sad. Sinus Fiasco owns 12 posts. *sigh*

So goal for 2007 (which, ladies and gentlemen, is only 19 days away) is to be able to stop talking about my Sinus Fiasco. Obviously, the month of January will still have some tidbits, but after that, no more sickness please! I had enough in ’06 to last me through the aughts. No more bronchitis/sinus infections/root canals/pink eye/flu/food poisoning/whatever. Done. Finito. Bring on the Vitamins!

In other news, I am finding it very difficult to resist buying all of the DVDs and CDs that just have to come out right before Christmas that I really want but cannot afford. Namely, The Devil Wears Prada, Little Miss Sunshine (Dec.19), Taylor Hicks’ Album, Pirates of the Caribbean, and I know there was something else, but I don’t remember what it was. Evil, evil I tell you! But I would guess that Santa is probably going to bring me some gift cards for Christmas, so I’ll put them to good use. ;)

In other other news, I just finished reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter, and it was excellent. Highly recommend.


Cristina said...

I'm in love with labels! I had been wanting them for the longest time and that's probably why I didn't think twice about migrating to beta last weekend.

Love the 'sinus fiasco' label. Hee.

I have now read plenty of horror stories concerning beta, including your problem in the previous post but with me everything ran smoothly :D I'm glad to hear yours is working fine now too.

That book sounds good! I'm adding it to my wishlist right now. Thanks for the recommendation! :D

Adam Solomon said...

Ah, labels sound nice, maybe I'll start...but there is no way in hell I'm labeling all 419 of my old posts! :P Oh, and if 'sinus fiasco' is too ubiquitous, perhaps you should simply try making more 'adam solomon' labelled posts :D

AnonymousBlogger said...

I have yet to use the labels feature. I was going to guess that sinus infection would be #1.

I hope we hear more from Recycling Guy in '07. Maybe that should be your resolution. We can call him R/G for short.

madge said...

I have been meaning to read The Memory Keeper's Daughter. I can't wait! I shall read it over the holidays...

Hooray for beta! It came through. And the labels are fun, yes?

Adam Solomon said...

Still waiting on that 'adam solomon' tagged post ;)