Monday, December 11, 2006

@#$^& Blogger

OK, against my better judgement, I decided to move over to the new Beta Blogger. Every time I log in or try to post they shove in my face that I SHOULD MOVE TO NEW BETA BECAUSE I HAVE TO EVENTUALLY ANYWAY---AND RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.

Already I dislike it because suddenly Madge, Cristina, and Adam are all "anonymous" commenters on my previous post.

And Tristan's self-made link button is gone again.

And everyone's cute little icons are gone (and YES I made sure the setting was correct).

What up with that??


madge said...


I don't know what to tell you.

When I switched to Beta a few months back, my experience was rough in the beginning, also. I just think they have a lot of bugs to work out...I don't think I could go back to regular Blogger for anything now, though...

Swearing does help.

Adam Solomon said...

Beta is nice to me. Maybe it's because I'm pretty.

Tristan Pipo said...

I noticed the RSS feed had 48 posts and I was boggled at what was going on. I come to find out that a switch was involved.

Beta works for some not for others.

Keshi said...

I didnt move into BETA yet cos I knew alot of ppl had probs doing that. Lets see what happens. yeah I agree Blogger sux big time!


AnonymousBlogger said...

Hmm, I never experienced those problems when I made the swithc. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's all a temporary glitch, and it will work itself out.