~ I am so in love with the bed I bought, but it makes it very difficult to get my rear in gear in the mornings. I mean, if you were sleeping on clouds, would you want to get up?
~ I have successfully made Zuppa Toscana soup at home, and it tastes every bit as fabulous as it does at the Olive Garden.
~ I absolutely cannot stand Country Crock commercials. I don’t know what it is about them, but they drive me completely crazy. The cheesiness factor is too overwhelming, I hate their “let’s not show the actors’ faces” thing they have going on, and the voice-overs make me want to gag. And the chick sounds like maybe she was once a man.

~ I am currently reading Mountains Beyond Mountains for a class, and it is really excellent. Have any of you read it? The sub-title for the book is The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World. I mean, that alone tells you you’re in for something crazy. I’m only 1/3 of the way through, and it’s already making me feel bad about myself because of all the incredible things this man did by my age. That’s not the point of the book, of course, but it’s really good. Go read it.
~ I’ve decided that this guy in my class would really hit it off with my best friend. I don’t know the guy very well, though, so I’m not really sure how to approach it. Should I just say “OK, I know this sounds weird but I think you’d really like my friend?” I suppose it’s worth a shot. Any suggestions on how to go about this? Usually when I hook people up I know both of them well so I can organize a group outing.
~ Why do some people have common sense while others have none at all? For example: A few weeks ago, we had a staff meeting that happened to fall on a coworker’s birthday, so we had cake at our meeting. Someone brought the extra cake and the knife used to cut it to the back room so people could graze the leftovers. When the cake was done and gone, however, whoever put the knife away did not bother to wash it. We wanted to use it today and it was covered in crusty old chocolate from weeks ago. I mean, hello!
~ And what would a Junniper post be without a statement of some item that I bought that I didn’t need nor can really afford?? But it was so pretty:
Worth a shot for sure. At least it should make another good story.
Country Crock commercials are the worst! Did the hands finally have a kid?
Your course read sounds awesome! I will put it on my list.
What's the worst that could happen with your set up? The worst could potentially be the best worst-date-ever story, so you just can't go wrong. If you know the two of them would hit it off, you could approach your classmate by saying you've been voted Yenta of the Year, twice no less, and you'd like to introduce him to someone if he's up for it.
I love your new yellow purchase!
That video is hilarious...
I love that soup!!! I go to the Olive Garden just for that. I'll eat like 3 bowls of it... :P
Some guy in a class perfect for your friend. I suggest you see if he is a laptop. Then sit with your laptop and a packet sniffer grabbing all the packets out of the air. Look for the brand of laptop and then go see who manufactured the wireless NIC and then narrow down your packet capture to see what he is doing online. Then take that information see if he checks his e-mail at all. Go setup a fake gMail account and then send him an e-mail asking if he was single.
Well ummmmm yeah... Or you could just approach him and suggest the idea of seeing if he was single or not. But you would need to approach it in a way that he thinks you are not coming onto him or trying to setup a threesome of sorts.
I also agree fake butter commercials suck. They have been around ever since I can remember. I should make a butter commercial. Ours is the best. Fabio Sucks. Eat Country Crock or get brain cancer.
A new bed eh. I have been searching for a new one myself. Has to be a queen at least. And as firm as possible.
I have never had that Olive Garden Soup before. I am all about the bread sticks though.
Hump Day is over in 55mins. Hooray!
What a great video. LOL.
I like the blunt approach with the guy in your class. Is there really any other way? You really can't pussy-foot around the topic, so I think just outright asking is the way to go.
Is it weird? I don't think so. If anything I think he will be flattered. Although this is a blind-date on his part and that might scare him a bit. I think it would be great if you can turn it into a group thing, but maybe leave the ball in his court, and see if he leans one way or the other as to what his preference is.
Great jacket byt he way.
cool jacket...
does your bed have memory foam??
You are truly awesome. And so are your posts. That's all I really have to say right now.
Yeah, I think I'll give it a shot. Who knows, maybe I'll still be batting 1000 on matchmaking!
Maynard--follow the link to the recipe--it's really easy to make!
Tristan--No idea what that first part means. And buy a bed--it's definitely a no-regrets purchase! I myself went with a queen with a small pillowtop. Fabulous.
And no, Dave, no memory foam. I'm not really into the foamness.
Bella! Hello! Where have you been?!
I love that jacket!
where did you get that jacket? I love it! and more importantly, did they have one in a powder blue?
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