Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Man, they’ve been making me work lately. What up with that?

How are you doing today? Anything new?

My weekend was OK—I had class, so that took up a lot of it. BUT, it’s my advocacy class and we’re doing a mock arbitration hearing, and I get to be the arbitrator! So I get to pass judgement and all that fun stuff. That’s not until next month, though.

Actually, after class I met some friends for dinner at Autentica, which has fantastically orgasmic authentic Mexican food. Oh, it was so deliciosa. And even though we were stuffed to the gills we decided that dessert was in order at Pix Patisserie. Yum!

So Saturday I may have been in class, but I made good use of Saturday night.

Last night, instead of doing homework, I did a little shopping (Hello, take-advantage-of-dead-presidents-day sales!). I came away with some great deals! Then we hit one of my all-time favorite restaurants in Portland---The Montage.

Oooh, heavenly. I had my usual favorite, alligator linguini (did she just say alligator? Why yes, I think she did). It is oh so good. It just has the best atmosphere for a restaurant. First of all, it’s in this totally seedy area under the Morrison Bridge. It’s all dark and fantastic inside and it’s a bunch of long tables so you might end up sitting with people you don’t know. It’s great! OK, I just read that again and it doesn’t sound that fantastic, but I promise, it is! And when you have leftovers they put them in a fun tinfoil to-go animal or flower or something. My friend and I both had leftovers, and our person made us a cat and a mouse to go!

OK, all this talk of food has made me hungry!

In other news, I think I forgot to update that that guy in my class that I wanted to introduce to my friend already has a girlfriend, so that’s a no go. But I’ll keep you updated on any new developments.

In even other news, this kid just kills me. I went to high school with him, and he is the most brilliant, fascinating guy I’ve ever met. He’s even nice to boot! In high school he built a freakin Tesla Coil, so I’m not too surprised to see he’s winning $30K prizes for amazing inventions and succeeding like mad at MIT. Nathan Ball, you rock!

Also, I think this is fascinating. And I don't believe for second that it has nothing to do with the fact that Iraq has become a disaster. How long before the crazies go all “Freedom Fries” on the UK? So instead of English Breakfast Tea it’ll be American Breakfast Tea? Or English Muffins are now American Muffins? Can’t wait. Nice job, Blair—it’s about time you stopped being a lapdog.

And you's been a while........ I want these shoes:


madge said...

The Montage! Thanks to you, I just walked down Memory Lane. Wow. I think I had a few dates there! In fact, I did. Oh. My. God. Ahhhhh!

Adam Solomon said...

The...the most fascinating and brilliant and handsome guy you've ever met? I...I see then...


*ambles off dejectedly*

Junniper, MPA said...

Madge--Oh, I love that you know the Montage! I take dates there, too, it's a good place to go!

Adam--Why did I know you would respond like that? ;) And I didn't say a word about him being handsome. And I've never met you. So there.

Matt Black said...

I saw the word "montage" and immediately thought of that song from "Team America: World Police." Now I have that stuck in my head...

AnonymousBlogger said...

Ha ha. Another post. Another pair of shoes.

I like the white ones best, but I could see either pair working - depending on what you wear them with.

You know all the great restaurants in Portland, and if I am ever in the city, I will make sure you take me to them all.

Borya said...

Can I be the lawyer in that hearing?!

You should meet Adam. It's very impressing. He's handsome AND clever and all the other good things one can say (he also listens to quite good music). You should give it a try before you go away with that other guy... ; )

Cristina said...

My friend and I both had leftovers, and our person made us a cat and a mouse to go!

I always find that very funny. It's not done over here - indeed portions are smaller - and people would be shocked to see anyone doing it.

Luz said...

Go with the white shoes! Another restaurant to add to my list of "must go to". So when Mario & I come up to visit we'll have to go there! ;-)