Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Raindrops on roses

So my first class went very well. I had Intro to Public Admin last night, and although I'm going to be a very busy girl, I'm looking forward to the class. The strange thing is that there are no tests in the class. It's two big papers, presentations, participation, and get this, a debate!

I looooooove debates

The interesting part, of course, was that we had to draw our debate question and which side we will be supporting--so we got no choice in the matter. I got very lucky:

"In fighting a war on terrorism, is the U.S. acting within reasonable limits to maintain its civil liberties?"
My position = NO.

This should be a fun term. :)


Cristina said...

Haha! Sounds like you'll crush the other side :D

Glad to hear you started off so well :D

AnonymousBlogger said...

I pity those who have to argue "yes" to that. They're fucked.

Great to hear the first class went well. You should buy a new pair of shoes to celebrate. Then another pair before the big debate.

AnonymousBlogger said...

I pity those who have to argue "yes" to that. They're fucked.

Great to hear the first class went well. You should buy a new pair of shoes to celebrate. Then another pair before the big debate.

AnonymousBlogger said...

Sorry for the double post.