Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Idiot Criminal of the Day Award goes to:

Whatever moron broke into my car last night.

First of all, though, I am thankful he didn't break my window--the nice police man said he probably used a shaved Honda key and that since my car is so old, he could get in that way.

So Idiot Criminal gets into my car to steal my stereo. Correction: my non-working stereo.

Furthermore he saw the face plate and probably thought, "cool, a CD player." Then my car said "Not! I'm just a tape player! Neener neener."

Then Idiot Criminal took my portable CD player (that I hooked up to my tape player) that is almost as old as my little brother. I bought it in 1995.

He did not, however, choose to take any of my CD's. I'm not sure if I should take this as an insult...does this mean he didn't like my music?

He also, as a last resort I might guess, got into my trunk to see perhaps if I had the CD player back there.

D'oh! Nothin but jumper cables and a first aid kit...which I think made him mad because he made quite a mess back there.

So in the end, boys and girls, crime [quite literally] doesn't pay.

I've been wanting a new stereo... I guess now's the time! :)


Tristan Pipo said...

If you need the hookup on a Satellite Radio package let me know. Get you Head Unit, Reciever and Antenna for awesome discount. Get an ipod Also.

AnonymousBlogger said...

Wow, the whole CD player to the tape player is old school.

Having said that, both my parents both have tape players (and no CD player) in their cars.

Too bad he didn't steal the whole car. Get the insurance money and buy a new vehicle with a CD player included.

Junniper, MPA said...

Pipo---I would get Satellite and all the bangs and whistles, but I'm a cheap mo-fo. I'll probably just buy a CD player & have my dad install it (gotta love having a mechanic dad).

A/B---No, I'm very glad he didn't steal the car. If my car is stolen or I get in a wreck I'm S.O.L. because I don't have comprehensive insurance. My car's an 89--the deductible would be about what the car's worth! :)

bella said...

Never a dull moment! But I must say it made me smile that the idiot criminal did not get what he was looking for :)

Luz said...

You forgot the word "stupid" in front of idiot! Criminals are idiots as such but then there are those that are really stupid and he was really stupid! Hey, Tristan...can I get that hookup you talked about! :-)