Thank Buddha I have a 3-day weekend. Unfortunately, much of that time will be spent writing papers, but at least I’ll be at home instead of at work twiddling my thumbs. Seriously…at some point you run out of internet to surf and then what do you do?
In other news, I inherited a laptop last week. My best friend graduated a couple of weeks ago, and her parents bought her an iMac notebook thingy. I’m sure it has a fancier name, I just don’t know it. Anyway, she has a Sony Viao that she bought last year and has since screwed up. She has worse computer karma than I do. That woman has been through…hold on…OK, she’s on her sixth laptop in as many years. No, I’m not kidding. I wish I were. Actually two of those were desktops.
Anyway, this Viao was causing her trouble so she got a Mac and gave me the Viao. I’ve been wanting a laptop—mostly so I can take my work with me if I need to. So I got the Viao, started her up, and quickly figured out why it wasn’t working very well. That woman had so much crap on there, I can’t even explain it. Random ass programs that took up too much room that she never even used, all those “trial” programs that came on the computer that she never removed, and too much music for the size of her memory. So I cleaned all that off, defragged her, and now she seems to be working MUCH better. Still a little slow on startup, but I haven’t had any problems so far.
Tristan wrote about a debacle he had on Friday, which reminded me of a debacle I had last Wednesday.
I got a speeding ticket.
Whazzat?? Well, first of all, let me say I was on a highway and evidently this particular area had a speed limit of 40MPH. I thought it was 45 so I was going 52. So I get pulled over, and the police officer was really nice about it, and actually laughed with me about being such an airhead. He asked for my license and then asked me if the car was registered to me and if I had insurance. It was kind of weird—he didn’t ask to see them, just if I had them. I asked him if he wanted to see them and he smiled and said, “no, I trust you.”
So he gives me a $145 ticket and says to call this number because it will probably be reduced because I have a good driving record. Then the usual have a great day, drive safely speech.
And he marked my hair as “red” on the ticket. I don’t have red hair. Weird.
Now, let me ask you this: whatever happened to warnings? I have been pulled over twice in my life. Once when I was 18 and now when I’m 25. Both times, I was not speeding excessively, I was basically going with the flow of traffic, and I was not creating an unsafe situation. But BOTH TIMES I get a ticket. What up with that? My best friend has been pulled over 7 times. Yes, I said SEVEN and she has never once gotten a ticket. What’s the deal? Is it because I don’t cry and try to show my boobs? I prefer to act like an adult in these situations, but I guess I need to rethink my strategy here.
Have you seen that Friends episode where Rachel flirts with the policeman, and then Ross tries too? Perhaps you should try that :P
A couple thoughts on the ticket.
First, I forgot that down there, your speed limits have sometimes have a "5" at the end. Ours always end in zero (50,60,80,100 ect).
Also, $145 is steep. You were barely even going over the limit. I mean, here, if you're only doing 10 the limit, you'd get honked at. You were only going 12 over. I can see a ticket if you're going say, 60, but 52 does not warrant it.
If it makes you feel better, I got a parking ticket a few weeks ago. It was for $50 CAD.
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