I don’t understand what is up with all the bad reviews of the latest Pirates movie. I went and saw it on Friday, and I thought it was bloody brilliant. Perhaps not as good as the first, but better than the second.
I’ve heard from several people I know that they didn’t like the movie. It was just about a bunch of pirates fighting, yada yada yada.
What were you expecting? Rocket science?
The formal “critics” are cracking me up most of all, of course. First, there’s the argument that it didn’t make enough money. $401 million worldwide over four days seems like a lot ‘o money to me! But what do I know, I’m one of those silly people that actually liked the movie. ;)
The weirdest argument of all, though, is that several critics have been saying the movie was hard to follow. What brainiacs do they have critiquing these films? Everyone has different taste, so if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, but what was there to follow? Pirates fight, pirates win, pirates lose, pirates fight some more, boy gets girl, etc. Once again, not rocket science. Perhaps they didn’t see the first two so they didn’t know what was going on? It’s not like the eleventy million Halloween movies where it doesn’t matter if you see them in order. It’s a trilogy, man. It would be like watching Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers without bothering to watch the other two.
Who knows. That’s my pointless doesn’t-really-matter opinion for the day.
Needless to say, I will be seeing the next installment (which they are saying may be a prequel).
My brain is fried. I’ve got three weeks left until I’m done with school for the summer, and I’m pretty sure I’ve got gray matter leaking outta my ears. I hope that’s not the part I need.
I am So. Done. writing about administrative theories and ethics and planning and blah de blah blah blah. I can honestly say this is the worse term I have had. I mean, the other two terms I had only one class I didn’t like, but this time, all three are just crap. I think it’s probably a good thing that I’ve decided not to take summer courses.
I need a vacation! And I get one in three weeks! Hallelujah!
Happy Dance!
In other news, this disturbs me slightly because that’s the contact lense solution I use! And I’m 99% sure my bottles aren’t among the recalled ones (I’ll make sure when I get home), but it still makes me want to switch brands, that’s for sure! Unfortunately, I just bought this two-pack of big bottles, and I don’t want to just toss them because that stuff’s not cheap!
It’s hard to be me! ;)