Sunday, June 18, 2006

What the hell? I have zero idea what happened to my blog.

Apparently, it was eaten by the Internet. No joke.

Adam was lovely enough to send me an email warning, and sho 'nough when I went to, there was nothing there but some girl licking a cell phone!!

I signed into blogger, and there is no trace of my old Caprichosa. Seriously.

I'm going to email the blogger kids, but at this point, I have no idea what's going on. It's like it was deleted, and I didn't delete it. But it wouldn't let me use my old URL, so I had to change it a little and put a hyphen in there.

It's a mystery!! :(

So Adam is my hero and found out that the old Caprichosa has probably been hijacked, although I have no idea why anyone would want to hijack it, really.
I sent Blogger a message letting them know, but I got a canned message back with them pretty much telling me it's gone and they probably won't respond to my message anyway, since they get so many.

So I guess here it is: Caprichosa, Part Deux.


Luz said...

Ahh...I was wondering what happened to you! Ottmar did say that blogspot was acting funny. I shall bookmark your new site. BTW, will be glad to send some heat your way. Now, we are dealing with rain...up to 10 inches in less than 10 hours! SCARY but so far my part of town has fared better than other parts. Least I got a day off! :-)

Cristina said...

I checked on your blog last week and was totally confused by what I saw. Too weird.

Let us know what the guys at Blogger say. Can people actually hack blogspot accounts? That's worrying!

Anyway - it's always pleasant to hear from you, whatever the circumstcances :)

Tristan Pipo said...

That was interesting. I was wondering what happened. That is why I host my own blog. =p

I thought it was odd when my RSS reader changed from Junniper! to blog. And had all kinds of funky errors.

But anyways hope all is well. I will be in your part of the world the 23rd and 24th for business.

Let me know if your free.

Just Me said...

So glad I found you again!!!

Borya said...

And I thought u did that on purpose and was pretty sad!!! Thanks for directing me to your new blog. And thanks, Adam!

Tristan Pipo said...

Where are the links? Where are the updates?

The people demand them. Until then Carry on.

Cheers Mate. Don't melt in this hot sun we are having.

The Corporal said...

God to have you back Junniper. There were a couple things that came to mind after your disappearance...

1. The re-arrangement of your room was so emotionally unsettling, that you became an insomniac, and well... went nuts.

2. You became interested in the adult entertainment industry, and began a new life as "Junniper Juggs".

But, I'm glad that you were only hacked...

Welcome Back!

Junniper, MPA said...

Junniper Jugs...I like the sound of that.

I'll remember that if the whole grad school thing doesn't work out.