MAN Sarah Palin bugs me.
I am glad for the sake of our global reputation that she sounded at least somewhat intelligent during last night's debate. And I'm sure her based looooved it. But the winks, the "darn its","doggone its", and "mavericks" make me want to
vomit. Everywhere. Especially in her solidified hair.
Also? I know people from Alaska, and they don't talk like that. I read an article the other day about "Where Sarah Palin Got Her Accent" and they said it was an Alaskan accent.
Um, no. Wasilla is just north of Anchorage, so unless Wasilla has its own little weird dialect, she's just got some wires crossed somewhere.
*** *** ***
In other news, the two badess menfolk that visited my last post after such a long hiatus both agree that dating stories are good.
So far, I don't have any good ones, except that I lost my mind and tried eHarmony. My friends would not let it go and insisted that I give it a shot, so I paid for it with a Visa gift card I got for graduation. Not particularly impressed. I don't know how they match people up, but I had some really bizarre people. Including at least two men who were SO in denial of their homosexuality while they toted how much they love Jesus.
I am chatting with this one guy, but we haven't been able to meet up yet.
So here's a question I pose to anyone who wanders through here. I have dealbreakers. My three dealbreakers are as follows: Must be voting for Obama, must believe in a Woman's Right to Choose, and must agree that gay marriage should be allowed in this country. Many other issues I can let slide, but these three I can't.
Is that unreasonable? I realize that the pool of eligible bachelors may dwindle because of these dealbreakers, but they're important to me. Say some guy and I really hit it off, fall in love, bla bla bla. I couldn't marry someone who would be threatened by the thought of a man marrying a man or a woman marrying a woman. He would think our union had less value simply because two homosexuals wed.
You know what I'm sayin?